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A modern and sleek personal website showcasing my professional journey and experience. Built with SvelteKit and TailwindCSS, this portfolio is designed to provide an intuitive experience for visitors, featuring clean layouts and easy-to-navigate sections.

Key Features

  • Modern design : Inspired by the latest web trends, this portfolio incorporates a stylish layout that makes it easy on the eyes.
  • SvelteKit-powered : Built using SvelteKit, one of the most efficient frameworks for building web applications, ensuring fast development and server-side rendering.
  • TailwindCSS customization : Tailored to perfection with TailwindCSS's utility-first approach, providing an incredible level of design flexibility.

Project Details

This portfolio serves as a showcase for my skills, experience, and interests. I've used it to list some of my most recent projects, including itself, giving you an overview of my work in the field.